3 Things People Think About Virtual Assistants

When I first started as a Virtual Assistant, I wasn’t aware that sometimes it might not be as easy to working for yourself and helping other people. It all seemed very bright and clear in my head. I got a vision that I will go and search for the client, win one and help him with his work. Simple as that! In the process of looking for a new client, having a consultation, winning the client and finally serving him I have noticed three somewhat common believes about Virtual Assistants I would like to share with you.      I know these beliefs are dictated by the lack of understanding and knowledge of what I do and the further we are in the process of cooperation all of them fade away. These, however, are my observations based on experience and a pleasure of dealing with different type of clients where each and everyone has their own specific needs, style of work and expectations.

Firstly, what I discovered throughout the process of serving but mostly searching for new clients is that so many people still don’t know a Virtual Assistants exists. It is the main thing I am coming across all the time. Small business owners still think they have to hire admin staff when their business is taking off well and when they experience work buildup. They have to consider employment costs and sometimes cannot afford to hire. Besides many of them think they have not enough work capacity to fulfil a position. As a consequence, they work long hours to do what is required and sacrifice family life. God knows how many times I have heard “I didn’t know something like Virtual Assistance exists and it is so great I have met you”. Yes – usually they think I am a cure for their struggles, a kind of an angel sent from heavens. They are incredibly enthusiastic and happy someone is going to help them. It is very complimenting and flattering when people think and say you helped them so much and made a huge positive impact on their business. I love that stage. It happens that from not knowing you exist they fell in love with what you do and hope you can help them.

Secondly, there are also situations when I mention to people about what I do. They are intrigued and start asking questions. Often I got an impression they cannot imagine how this can work for them. They know they need help but are so snowed under their work they cannot see the way out. They wish someone do things for them but have no idea where to start. The answer to this is straightforward, and I always tell them – “Let me help you”. It is because you will never feel you are in the right place and enjoy what you do when you have unfinished projects, thousands of tasks on your desk and deadlines pilling up with no one to help you. Many business owners and entrepreneurs have no skills to delegate tasks. They are so used to doing everything on their own they cannot see how someone else can do it for them. Because of that, they have not got enough time in their busy timetable to do tasks they are good at, that brings them money, they love doing as they continuously focus on jobs they have to do (and very likely don’t like doing or struggling with). Yes – sometimes it is very challenging to motivate a person to do the first step and let go few tasks to a VA as a start. But believe me, I don’t know one person who would regret doing that. I very often ask clients interested in my services to do a small exercise which in my opinion will help them establish tasks they should start with. It usually helps a lot.

Finally when I talk to people about what I do there is a part of them that thinks Virtual Assistants can fix problems straight away. I can help in many areas, but it doesn’t happen over the night, well at least not every single task allow that. People sometimes expect their Social Media profiles start gaining new visitors within one day, their Website will look amazing in few hours and will generate fantastic traffic from the day one or admin tasks will be done in an hour. Sometimes it takes time to explain that gaining Social Media audience is a process and is not a one day task. It involves research, trial and error campaigns, constant online presence etc. This is an ongoing work you have to do day by day, and the longer you do it, the more consistent you are, the greater results you achieve. Website maintenance (revamp) also requires time and is not always an easy task to do. I very often have to spend the time to get to know the systems, themes and establish what client wants.Then I can start working on changes or maintain the website. And finally all admin tasks like Word formatting, document drafting, PowerPoint presentation, Excel housekeeping, Database maintenance – it all requires time. Yes, I do know my clients have deadlines, and I am ok with that and never missed any which I am very proud of. However, sometimes I find it hard explaining I cannot fix something straight away. I feel sorry for my clients at that time but most often we agree on the strategy we follow, and at the end all is ok. I think I am lucky having good clients.